Kiru with her friends Lillane and Zunnoab in the Plane of Knowledge Kiru Nekusan is a Vah Shir Shaman on the EverQuest Stromm server. She is one of two co-Guild Leaders of the <Whisperers of the wind sword> guild. You can click on some of the pictures to see bigger pictures. Kiru with her friends Zunnoab and Lillane in the Plane of Knowledge
See the low resolution JPG version of this web page. Visit the EverQuest character links web page.
This link takes you to the unaltered screenshot, taken on Stromm. Kiru with Epic 1.5 Kiru's friend Thunderdragon casting a spell in the Plane of Knowledge
Why the boats were replaced with translocators (1 of 3) Why the boats were replaced with translocators (2 of 3) Why the boats were replaced with translocators (3 of 3)

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